Haggai: Rebuilding the Temple
The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed during the exile, and upon returning, it had to be rebuilt. However, the survival of the Hebrews held more gravity. They had to collect resources to ensure their long-term survival before reconstructing it. Thus, the rebuilding of the Temple went ignored until a certain Jewish leader demanded that work be done on it.
Haggai was this leader, a prophet who held that the problems that the Jewish people faced were caused by their neglect towards religious devotion. By giving the rebuilding of their own homes top priority, they were placing God behind these other pressing issues. He wrote:
Now has the time come to rebuild the house of the Lord. Is it time for you to dwell in your own paneled houses, while this house lies in ruin?Zechariah was another prophet who was responsible for the development of the temple. He spoke of a leader to rule Judah named Zerubbabel, who was installed in 520 B.C.E. He brought with him money to fund the construction of the temple. With this, the temple was finally completed in 515 B.C.E. Taking five years to complete construction.
Haggai 1:3
Nehemiah: Rebuilding the City
Another challenge that the Hebrews faced when returning from exile was the redevelopment of the city. Critical to this development was Nehemiah, a Persian official who persuaded the Persian king to make Judah an independent province and him its governor.
At this time Judah’s population skyrocketed as more and more people returned from exile. As the population increased, the chances of conflict rose. Thus, Nehemiah was responsible for erecting walls around the city. In 52 days, the walls had been erected very quickly.
Erza: Renewing the Law
Erza was a leader who contributed to the redevelopment of Jewish civilization after the exile. He was a priest sent by the King of Persia to further develop Jewish law and government in the area.
When Erza arrived at Jerusalem, he stood on a pedestal to read a scroll containing Law. Reading in Hebrew, Levite priests translated his words into Aramaic. His audience wept when he revealed the Law because they discovered how their lifestyles violated that Law.
Two months later, the people gathered at the temple because Erza said that God required them to be divorced from their gentile wives. In addition, they established other rules. These included the maintaining of the holiness of the Sabbath and the maintenance of the Temple with an annual tax.
Overall, the Jewish leaders were concerned with the religious development of their people rather than the survival of their nation.